Friday, November 02, 2007

Weight update / shoes

I've updated my weight stats on the right. I plan to do this every Thursday, but just didn't get a chance to do it yesterday, with me being at an all-day planning session and away from my computer, then not having an opportunity to do so at night, with it being a workout night and other stuff.

Anyway, I'm weighing myself every day, but will only update once a week to prevent information overload. Yesterday I weighed in at 285.8, which is lower than I've been in nearly a year and a half.

I tried out the new shoes last night on the treadmill. Initially, there weren't any problems, other than tightness I normally associate with new shoes, but my left arch started to hurt in the last 5-10 minutes of my workout. I'll try them out a couple more times to see if it's just something about the shoes being brand new, but if the pain persists, I'm taking them back and getting a pair with better arch supports.

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