Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Running: getting easier

Turns out I didn't need to be as skeptical of my ability to complete week 3 of the couch-to-5k program as I was. Last night's workout went remarkably easy. I didn't feel nearly as physically taxed during the two three-minute runs as I was expecting. It actually felt easy.

Am I turning into a runner? Perish the thought.

I managed to get through the workday without indulging in candy (besides a couple of Hershey's dark chocolate truffle kisses). Time to go trick-or-treating now. Neither my niece nor my nephew are big fans of candy -- so why do they go out in the first place? Must be the joy of getting stuff for free -- and they try to give a lot of it away. Tonight, I'm not buying.

1 comment:

john - from fat to fit said...

Oh man, can't wait to feel that way on my own week 3!