Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Fearing the scale

I'm not looking forward to weighing myself tomorrow. I had a pretty bad week, at least as far as eating went.

My exercise was OK, although not up to expectations. I walked six miles, did one round of weight training, and tried the ill-fated BodyPump class on Sunday. Other than that class, though, I haven't had any exercise since Friday, and haven't been to the gym since last Wednesday. I have plans to go tonight to work out on either the elliptical trainer or the treadmill.

Eating is what's killed me, though. I failed to bring my lunch to work twice last week. I had two Mother's Day meals out on the weekend, neither of which you could really consider particularly healthy (although they weren't super-high in calories, either). Last night was the killer, though -- I was feeling a bit tired and low, so my wife and I went out to the local BBQ restaurant, where I had the rib platter, followed by a wonderful brownie sundae. Well, at least it was wonderful while I was eating it.

I'm getting better at making meals at home, but I still have a ways to go before it becomes a habit.

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