Monday, November 26, 2007


It's been a long time since I've had a feeling of accomplishment like I did Saturday night. At least, I think it must be a long time, because I don't remember the last feeling like this I've had. Maybe my university graduation, maybe landing my first permanent job.

So what did I do? I ran a mile and two-thirds without stopping. About half a 5K. That's all.

I really wasn't prepared for how I was going to feel when I finished the 20-minute run. It was an incredible feeling. The fact that "The Final Bell" from the Rocky soundtrack, the piece that closed the movie, was playing on my iPod at that exact point certainly enhanced the moment. I'm glad I was running in the exercise room in my condo building all alone, because I was able to just let loose with a series of fist pumps, excited whoops, arms in the air, etc. I probably looked like I'd just finished a marathon.

So, on to week 6 then. 5 run/3 walk/8 run/3 walk/5 run, then 10 run/3 walk/10 run, and then a 25-minute run. I'm ready. Bring it on.


Cookie Monster said...

wow! Congrats!
I did a run 1 walk 1 today and it kicked my butt!!

way to go!

Melanie said...

Hey Christ, frst thanks for commenting on my blog. It's nice to know that there are people actually reading my rants. Secondly, I really loved reading this post from you. I could really hear your excitment about having ran half a 5K. I would be thrilled too - I can't even imagine how that must have felt. I want to try running one day. Right now I need to master walking though. I've bookmarked your blog so I can keep up with your progress. Way to go!